Watercress proves a hit with a family in Glasgow
Hi I'm Susan, an active runner from Glasgow. I volunteered to become a watercress ambassador, offering to introduce watercress to the family's daily diet and regularly update on our progress. My wife and I are both training for half marathons and enjoy regular Parkruns too. We are also new parents, and having recently given birth I've been looking seriously into diet and exercise, both for myself and our young daughter. Like any new mum I'm keen to introduce our baby to the healthiest foods possible (which also taste good) and so was keen to experiment with watercress .
After our first week, things are looking good!
We were delighted to receive our first delivery of watercress. Particularly because we had been reading up on the health benefits. As a new mum and a runner, I was keen to add this superfood into my diet. Equally I was quite apprehensive because I didn’t exactly know what it was. Everyone assumes it’s those tiny little shoots that you put on egg and cress sandwiches. Well, I'm happy to report that actual watercress is much more substantial and that there’s so much more you can do with it than a sandwich.
Our first delivery
I tried a bit raw to begin with. It has a very strong flavour and reminded me a lot of coriander. It would be interesting to substitute it in a salsa.
So, my first recipe required nothing more than throwing it raw on top of an open tuna mayo sandwich. The peppery taste balanced out the flavour of the tuna beautifully and it was much more interesting than the blandness of my usual cucumber.
After this success it was time to up my game and feed the wee one. At 8 months she’s already developing a taste for foods I didn’t experience until I had left home. Chinese congee anyone? How about some avocado and cashew butter? The wee one expects nothing less than the finest. But what would she make of watercress?
I blitzed a cup of frozen peas with a generous handful of watercress and some fresh mint from the garden using a hand blender. Then I mixed in a little bit of natural yogurt. The result was pure delight.
Frozen peas, watercress, mint and yoghurt was a real hit!
It was also adult-friendly, and we enjoyed polishing off the dip with some carrot sticks. All in all, a very successful first day with our watercress.
Day two with watercress and I wanted to try adding it to things I already ate. I had some time on my hands and fancied making some falafels for lunch. I googled a recipe for oven baked falafel with watercress. Again, my trusty hand blender came into play.
Falafel mix featuring watercress
The outcome? Pretty delicious with some olive bread and, as I didn’t add any salt to the mix, the wee one was able to have some mixed in with more yogurt. More smiles!
Delicious, simple dish enjoyed by all the family
We’re looking forward to our next watercress delivery, so we can continue our culinary adventure, experimenting with this tasty ingredient!